Ukraine in Zaria? What gives??

16 Mar

Since yesterday Zaria residents woke up with sporadic sounds of small arms fire. Perhaps sub machine guns and light machine guns being fired intermittently. Not AK47 and certainly not T-64 tankers. These machine guns must be part of an on going military exercise at Chindit barracks. The Nigerian Military School is housed in the barracks. This army barrack is now in the midst of residential buildings.
The sporadic gunfire reminds one of what is happening in the Ukrainian war with Russia. It instills fear in the minds of common civilians like me and others. Makes one feel vulnerable to an advancing battle front. And perhaps time to run away.

On a serious note though is it not time the shooting range and the barrack got relocated to a far location?? A new barrack can easily be built far away from Zaria and it’s environs. The money that is yearly allocated to defence can easily take care of this.

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